


Cultureel Centrum Swanla
Burgemeester Klinkhamerweg 86
2761 BJ  Zevenhuizen (ZH)


Public transport:

  1. Take a train to Zoetermeer
  2. Bus  Qliner 383 to Burg. Klinkhamerweg, Zevenhuizen
  3. Walk to No 86

By car from A12 (motorway between Gouda and Den Haag):

  1. Take exit 9-Zevenhuizen and merge onto N219
  2. At the roundabout take the 1ste exit onto the Zuidplasweg
  3. Follow Burgemeester Klinkhamerweg
  4. Stop on the right at no 86: Dorpshuis Swanla


Make your own Driving Directions with Google Maps (destination filled in).

Here is an overview map (click to enlarge). The Festival location is at 'B' and 'C' is the Festival camping.

Last modified: 01/03/2016 18:58:52 UTC